Monday, August 18, 2014

The first review in a lonnnnnnnnng time: Minecraft

Wow, there’s not been a post in a long time.  Anyway I’am doing a review of Minecraft, so here’s the top 10 list for best things.

10. tons of blocks 

9. new stuff available often.

8. a giant community of modders

7. the ability to make anything ever
6. if you’re stuck, just type /gamemode 3

5. if you need help, go online

4. tons of sites to get or share maps

3. easy to get inspiration

2. possible to play offline

1. it's endless, you always will a have a future.

so I have 1 con, you have  to be a genius to make stuff move.  Anyway, it’s great!! Go to their site and buy it 


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