Monday, August 18, 2014

The first review in a lonnnnnnnnng time: Minecraft

Wow, there’s not been a post in a long time.  Anyway I’am doing a review of Minecraft, so here’s the top 10 list for best things.

10. tons of blocks 

9. new stuff available often.

8. a giant community of modders

7. the ability to make anything ever
6. if you’re stuck, just type /gamemode 3

5. if you need help, go online

4. tons of sites to get or share maps

3. easy to get inspiration

2. possible to play offline

1. it's endless, you always will a have a future.

so I have 1 con, you have  to be a genius to make stuff move.  Anyway, it’s great!! Go to their site and buy it 


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Road Trip Review

Road Trip is about a boy named Ben and his now "house flipping" Dad. The book starts out with them getting on the highway, then the truck breaks down! WHat will happen next? You have to find out! The book is compelling, original and awesome! 

Road Trip has a ton of reasons for getting a sequel! Watch out: you may become glued to this book! It's that good! Now we know who should not have a Driver's License, Mr. Duffy! Anyway, BUY THAT BOOK!

Road Trip by Gary Paulsen & Jim Paulsen (Wendy Lamb Books, January 2013)

Friday, November 25, 2011

R25 d train nj

I just drew this on Doodle Buddy. With Doodle Buddy you can create awesome drawings on tons of backgrounds and even use cool stamps. Doodle Buddy is available for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Check it out at

Sent from my iPad